Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga

The eight limbs of yoga, as described by Maharishi Patanjali, in the yoga Sutras, are a system of steps toward absolute bliss or enlightenment. The first four limbs (steps) are primarily concerned with ethical guidelines, developing awareness of the energy body, and physical mastery.

The last four limbs are concerned with development of consciousness through meditation. The physical body is a capsule for the soul (Jiva). The physical body has basic functional demands, and sensory demands, for pleasure. Transcending awareness beyond the physical senses grants us peace with ourselves.

If the general population of this planet would follow ethical guidelines, and transcend their awareness beyond the physical barrier of the body, we would have world peace. Just to listen, observe, and act, guided by our empathic sense is a good start toward helping others.

When you contemplate the first two limbs of yoga (Yama and Niyama), you will notice they flow in harmony with every moral code in existence. The principles of Yama and Niyama are universal laws for mankind.

You may have noticed that ten is a common number for moral codes. The Ten Commandments are another example of ethical guidelines. With ten fingers on our two hands, it makes it easy for humans to remember. Hence, we have five Yamas and five Niyamas, for a total of ten.

Yama are restraints, but are sometimes called Thou Shall Nots by western yoga teachers. It is not enough to observe them. It is much more important to live by them in our actions, words, and thoughts.

Copyright 2007 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. http://www.riyoga.com He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free yoga e-book: "Yoga in practice," and a Free yoga Newsletter, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

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Right Way Of Nutrition To Lose Excess Weight

I think those who visit this site already seriously think about their health and want to change their appearance for the better. And you understand already that it highly depends from your way of nutrition.

Simple limitation of foodstuffs you like will not help for a long time. Nobody can follow this diet long enough. after some time you become tired from all dietetic foodstuffs. You will want something not dietetic but tasty. You will not want to look at apples, curd, boiled meat. And here you may break your weight loss program for day, two days and even for several weeks.

May be the right thing to do is mono diet? This is kind of diet that is based on one foodstuff. For example on Monday you eat only apples, on Tuesday only kefir/yoghurt, on Wednesday only curd and so on. I think you will be tired from that kind of diet even sooner than if you would follow the low-calorie or low-carb diets. In case of mono diet it is harder to resist natural organism reaction to get something tasty.

Real-world example: Kefir/yoghurt is the foodstuff you like! You think if you like it there will be no problem to have three days of mono diet based on kefir/yoghurt. First day was gone almost easy. Next day you think that kefir is not as tasty as it was. You think that sausage would be much better. In the evening you feel yourself unhappy. You see sweet-shop in your night dreams. In the morning you make rush to the fridge. The mono diet is ended.

So, why we break weight loss program in one ill-fated moment. Why hunger overcomes us?

Sometimes it occurs when stomach is not really empty after some lunch or dinner. Then why?

The answer is in this case you feel hunger as a result of changing sugar level in your blood.

How strange is it! - you may think. But I did not have sugar even in my tea. I ate only two small sweets!

As a matter of facts not sugar but glucose level raises in blood that provokes hunger feelings. We get it eating some foodstuffs reach with carbohydrates. Even a small sweet may provoke strong hunger feeling.

Conclusion: Not to feel strong hunger you must limit carbohydrates consumption. You must not refuse from them completely cause they are in many fruits and vegetables reach with vitamins and cellulose we need. You must limit only high-carb foodstuffs such as sugar, flour, potatoes.

Wonderful! All problems solved! You have next day nice soup from cauliflower. But to the end of the day you feel that you need something. At least small peace of bread. The second day you do not want cauliflower at all and feel yourself flat-out.

Conclusion: simply to limit carbohydrates is not the way. Not to feel yourself flat-out you need protein. We move, our muscles work and need protein!

Well! We get chicken broth with cauliflower and not fat yoghurt. But hunger feeling remains!

What is the reason? The problem is that without sufficient supply of carbohydrates and fats protein can transform in glucose too! That is the reason of hunger!

What to do then?

Did you notice that small piece of ham can satisfy our hunger for a long time? From the other hand ham contains fat. How to grow thin with fat?

And here is the point. Fat can not transform into excess weight. Fat can not transform in glucose that can add you excess weight.

But why? Look here. During digestion fat dissociates on fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies are the second resource of energy for us after glucose. Ketone bodies supply our hair, skin and nails with vitamins. You must know that excess glucose transforms in excess weight but excess ketone bodies never can do that. Excess ketone bodies simply go out from your organism.

Conclusion: Fats MUST be in our nutrition. We need them to look good. To digest a peace of pork you must spend many calories. So calories you received with this peace of pork will burn themselves.

And what we must limit without doubts is carbohydrates. Peace of ham will not make any harm to our weight loss process. But if you eat after that a piece of cake or a pastry it is another story. Excess carbohydrates will slow down splitting of fats and fats will be deposited in blood vessels. Do you need it? I do not think so.

Be healthy,


about THE AUTHOR: Nataly Orlova is a recognized authority on the subject of overweight and obesity problems. Her articles published in http://www.overweight-info.com provides a wealth of information on everything you'll ever need to know about overweight, obesity and other health problems. Food/points table can be found here http://overweight-info.com/foodpoints-table

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