Friday, March 14, 2008

How to Repair an Xbox 360 - A Rising Question Amongst Avid Gamers

A large portion of the owners of one of the most popular game consoles of all time are finding themselves asking this very question.

In a recent press release, microsoft announced that it would be spending up to $1.15 billion to repair xbox 360 game consoles. A dollar amount of that significance could mean that one third, and up to as many as half, of the machines are in some way flawed.

On the upside, microsoft also announced that they are increasing the original one-year warranty to a full three years. Unfortunately, with a turn-around time of up to six weeks to return and receive your broken xbox 360, that warranty doesnt cover inconvenience. What many consider to be too much of an inconvenience after shelling out the three to four hundred dollars it can cost for this premium console. Let alone the fact that there are a large number of consumers whose warranties have already expired, leaving another rather hefty price tag to have them repaired (typically $100 to $140). However, where any problem exists, there is normally more than one solution.

One of the solutions proving to be quite prominent is the suggestion of repairing the xbox 360 yourself. This can prove to be quite a difficult task, seeing as how microsoft stated the xbox console contains 1,700 components and upwards of 500 million transistors, leaving even an intelligent consumer tracking their xbox on the UPS website (Microsofts preferred shipping method). But again, opportunists and consumers prevail...

Manuals...lots of them...have been written instructing individuals on how to fix the xbox 360 themselves, after seeing what is referred to as "The Red Ring of Death". In fact, some people are even making a secondary income repairing the consoles for friends, family and even people they dont know through referral business after reading one of these manuals. The tough part is finding a manual that doesnt leave you lost in a sea of words and diagrams thinking that only an engineer can save you.

When looking for a manual with instructions on how to fix your xbox, there are a couple of things that you should consider absolutely mandatory. These are full color pictures, simple step-by-step instructions, offers both a simple quick fix, as well as a permanent one, and lastly, one that does not require you to go out and buy expensive equipment and tools. The ideal manual will also give you an estimate of about how long it will take an individual with no technical knowledge to finish the fix. That time frame should be at or around an hour.

Yogi Teachings White Tantra New York Yoga Center


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